Transmission:Online Receiver:Bretonia Mining and Fabrication Subject:Business Shipments / Super Alloy
Guten Tag, Herr Zak Conner, CEO of BMF,
It's me, Mark Hamann mein herr Conner and i am here to establish some good business contracts one more time with your respected corporation. I was discussing the latest contract between BMF and Solitaire Metropolis which had Gateway Shipping involved in it, and i can tell you that the members of the board are very happy and pleased about it so i was elected to start a new contract with your respected company. This time, the Solitaire Metropolis docking master would like to request 30,000 pieces of Super Alloys from the Kingdom of Bretonia. The docking master is confused about the proper price we should offer for your respected vessels pilots so we decided to leave that opened for you an your calculations. We would like to receive the materials as fast as possible so we will expect a reply from you as soon as possible explaining to us how much credits you would think fit and satisfying for your pilots. The Solitaire Metropolis docking master will provide a good sum of Silver ores, Copper ore and Uncut diamonds so your pilots don't have to go back to the kingdom of bretonia empty handed. As usual we will demand documents and proofs of deliveries so we can save it to our data base. We will wait your reply and have a gut day mein herr Conner.