Personal Background: Quite the story for some. Well, I was born into what I can remember being an ordinary family on planet Hamburg, my parents were both Kruger employees that worked in the Dresden system. According to my guardian around the age of 6 they were both murdered by a Hessian raiding party, making me an orphan of one of my closest friends, Hilda, before I finally completed my years at my University. I didn't actually learn what the real cause of my parent's demise was until I graduated. At that point Hilda and myself decided to join the Rheinland Military. Naturally, joining the pilots in Dresden, my friend and I served there for 5 years. I was insistent on serving for my own personal vendetta. However, that all changed when I got news of Hilda's passing after she was killed as well as my parents by a Hessian raiding party. I had gotten word that the Kruger escorts had abandoned the Military pilots after realizing their opposition was greater than they. The Military pilots, despite asking for assistance, were left for dead. That was the word I received from the one Military pilot that survived the incident. I was in a complete state of rage, I personnal expressed my "feelings" towards my commanding officer as well as the pilots that abandoned my friend. However, it only earned me a demotion and the incident was covered as something that never involved the Kruger convoy. To the rest of the Military it was a patrol that went south. It came to my attention that the people I was fighting for and the people giving me orders were no better than people I had spent 5 years killing relentlessly. I abandoned the military, and searched for my own personal means of getting revenge on the people that brought me to this state. Until hearing of this group the V.W.A. (I dare not pronounce the full name, I'm half Libretonian) seeing as though this group isnt interested in killing innocents but also looks into ridding Rhineland of corruption I figured I'd attempt to join.
Also, you need combatants, regardless of if you accept me or not, I spent 1 Year in frankfurt, and it was definitely not as challenging as my years in Dresden.
What brings you to our cause?
As mentioned, you aren't interested in slaughtering innocents like my parents, but you are interested in ridding Rhienland of its corruption so people like my friend Hilda aren't forgotten. No, this isn't for my personal vendetta against the Hessians anymore, I've decided to do something more.
Skype protocol communication code: albert.wesker96