COMM ID: Agent 'Hellcat'
TARGET ID: LSF Operational Data Network
SUBJECT: New Orders
Following ongoing, repeated, and continued operations by loyalist forces within the Alaska Exclusion Zone, as well as numerous trespasses on or within the Kodiak Perimeter, authorisation for search-and-destroy missions within the Alaska system and the Zone-21 Minefield ONLY has been greenlit from above.
It is likely that governmental forces will only increase in aggressiveness and unpredictability as their ranks become more and more compromised. All active agents are reminded that standard protocol dictates that all engagements be performed at the maximum possible range, such as to minimise the risk of coming into contact with infected personnel and/or equipment. Where the presence of alien tissue can be confirmed, escape pods are to be incinerated along with the rest of their parent vessel; otherwise, they are to be placed under a Level Five quarantine and submitted for processing as normal.
Furthermore, having been put out of action during the initial firefight of 27.07.823, the gunship Alconbury has been rendered fit for purpose once more, and will join the Menwith Hill, Mount Sunflower, and Marble Mountain in establishing a mobile sensor network and fast-response interception grid around the Kodiak Perimeter.
Lastly, in accordance with the exact nature and unparalleled severity of the ongoing crisis, and with the full authorisation of the Directorate, Agent 'Zero' has been formally reactivated. Final preparations for his deployment are almost complete, and he is expected to be active within the Alaska Exclusion Zone within forty-eight hours.