Having to drop cargo can encourage you to look for an other route, giving more chance to those frequenting different areas to meet you.
Having to drop cargo can encourage you to seek those antagonizing the Mollies.
Having to drop cargo can encourage you to contact Mollies themselves to negotiate some possible compromise in order to avoid further piracy encounters with them in the future.
Having to drop cargo can encourage you to grind more and more for better gear to defend yourself, and that can happen via any of the cash-earning activities, mining, trading, bounty hunting, all of which in their own ways encourage further gameplay interactions.
You aren't the only one concerned about gameplay and interactions. But just because you don't think something isn't beneficial doesn't mean that thing really isn't. The possibilities are basically endless. Unless they drive you away from the entire game, there will hardly be much less gameplay interactions, and I really doubt a single drop-all-cargo-piracy encounter is enough to justify such. Just my 2 cents.
I, myself, am also concerned about Roleplay, since this is supposed to be a mainly Roleplay server, though I try to keep a healthy balance between that and gameplay. If I find myself in a situation like that, though, on an OORP level I'll fully accept that it is part of the Molly Lore to be overly sensitive about matters regarding Dublin and gold, even if INRP my character will agitate against them and/or resist.