(08-11-2016, 05:42 PM)Vendetta Wrote: So please, don't argue about fair play when your forces weren't really taking it in to consideration Wesker.
Not going to quote your whole post since it's full of irrelevant information. No offense, bloating about killing [RHA] in a 7v3 isn't exactly something to bloat about.
Specifically this comment of yours: Incorrect. We did play fair, and I offered you a duel against one of our fighters. What did you do? Oh right, you continued to shoot the Bomber. That's why our fighters shot you. You were offered a duel, because you denied it and went to the bomber, doesn't mean we didn't play fair. Next time bring a actual fighter so you can be somewhat useful to your allies. I'll just bring up your skype log, of me specifically telling you that we offered you a duel.
[8/10/2016 3:37:32 PM] Flash™: And you were offered a duel, you just insisted on shooting the Roc.
[8/10/2016 3:37:43 PM] \/endetta: no i'm not shooting fighters
Way to go V, you played yourself.
Now, onto the in-game logs.
[10.08.2016 22:07:41] [RHA]Ren.Xiaolian: I'm coming, my brothers! For the Revolution! Fire!
[10.08.2016 22:07:50] [RHA]Rainer:Braun: Stand down for now.
And he did. He went to shoot Amanda, who then ran to the planet. When he came back, he didn't engage you until....
[10.08.2016 22:10:14] [RHA]Rainer:Braun: You can have him, Lukas.
[10.08.2016 22:10:34] [RHA]Rainer:Braun: If he stops shooting me, that is
I went away, along with Ren, and let you duel. What did you do? Oh right, you wanted the fat bomber you barely managed to damage the whole time, instead of the fair 1v1 you were given. Also, don't brag about it in your faction chat, saying you went 3v1 against RHA, because only thing you did was kill us in a 7v3 along with a double razor GB support. (:
On the topic of hypocrisy...
[8/9/2016 11:56:15 AM] \/endetta: normally when i'm there
[8/9/2016 11:56:19 AM] \/endetta: i try to balance it out