(08-21-2016, 10:15 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: I am just curious how did you disable the weapon turret: http://imgur.com/a/DVWh4 ?
Is that a bug?
Some of the weps platforms were bugged and weren't shooting us.
i've been in a siege to know that there is an exploit one could do that deliberately makes the weapon platform not shoot after it spawns again....
This is why i am asking...
(i didn't participate in that exploit, but i have just seen it)
I don't know of any bugs like that, neither did anyone on TS since we all assumed it was something with the game not something they did. Thats the first siege I've ever been in with weps platforms, I've never herd of anything like that until right now.
Fair enough. I just saw it and it weirded me out that it was not shooting.
Thanks for the honesty