From: Guardian Victoria Royan, Gaian Guard Subject: Your gear, I guess? Source: Holmfirth Base, Manchester Encryption:High Priority:High
I don't think we've had the pleasure before. I'm Guardian Royan and I tend to be in charge of Guard's stuff around Manchester and nearby independent worlds.
I'm not into lenghty introductions, so I'll get to the point.
While investigating a Liberty Navy buildup near Curacao I've stumbled upon an Order Hathor, the CV Lyoko. It was apparently the reason for the gathering. The ship was fully armed with weird guns and had a thruster of alien origin. Soon after my arrival a bunch of other ships arrived and a fight broke out. Two fighters that assisted the gunboat against the Navy may be of interest to you.
First, the Harmony, was a Vincidator with a hybrid cloak equipped. It also carried an alien power cell and a number of other Nomad devices. Seeing that Vincidators are only ever utilised by the Hackers, I bet that's a piece of you tech. You may want to have it dealt with.
Second ship belonged to an Outcast pilot going by the name of Enma Loyola. It had the ID codes of that Council of theirs. This ship also carried a Nomad power cell and, well... The scanner refuses to take it as anything else than Nomad body parts. The shooty ones. Given that you are buddy buddy with the Outcasts, we figured you may want to know about this as well.
All the scans are attached to the message. If there's anything you can tell us about Lyoko, or any other mentioned ship, it'd be great if you shared it with us. If you are wondering what the Guard would want in exchange, lets just say you'll owe us an intel favour in the future.