Personal Background: Hannah was born on Planet Hamburg, Her working class parents were typical of the time, hard, opportunistic desperate to survive as the planet's inhabitants faced economic crisis, streams of refugees from planets even worse off and a corrupt goverment that vacillated between harsh repression and concessions. It comes as no surprise that Hannah learnt pretty early how to handle a ship, at least enough to defend herself, and was employed as an escort pilot just after she turned eighteen, do to the need to meet ends.
But all did not go well. Hannah's older sister, Freyja an idealistic, brave young woman to whom Hannah looked up, had other ideas and soon got involved in the Hessian's movement that, in the tradition of noble rebels everywhere, wanted to overthrow the tyrants. As a result, the situation escalated. The Hessians attacked soldiers and collaborators, conducted bombings on Government installations and Rheinland's soldiers responded with executions, arrests and torture. Hannah saw people she knew get arrested by night by black-clad goons and they never returned. Increasingly, her own family came under suspicion, making her desperate.
She had sometimes acted as a courier for the Hessians, Freyja trusted her. This led to Hannah taking the decision to attempt to strike a deal with a local Rheinland officer. She would give him the names of the Hessians, and the location of their base and in return she and her family would be allowed to leave Rheinland safely. However, things did not go as planned and the Military betrayed her after Freyja, assassinated Hamburg's governor by blowing up his personal ship.
She spent the next few months in a dungeon at the tender mercies of the BND before they finally forgot about her. In the state of mind she was at the time, she believed she deserved it, though something in her refused to give up and let death take her. Finally, she managed to escape one night and stow away on a cargo ship, which unbeknownst to her was headed to Vogtland. She eventually ended up in the Army. In order to survive, she was forced to become hard, suspicious, even as she latched on to some of the fellow gang members as a sort of surrogate family for the one she had betrayed.
It was brutal initiation for someone that had grown up in an ostensibly peaceful location. Now without friends, family or any support web, she was on her own for the first time. She murdered, stole, tried Cardamine for a while, And finally decided, she had to join the Hessians completely.
There, she rose through the ranks to the position of Oberleutnant, growing steadily more disillusioned with the Hessian's methods. Finally, she could take it any longer, and broke away from the Armee, despite maintaining sympathy for it's cause. She now seeks a new home with the VWA.
What brings you to our cause? Growing out of touch with the methods of the Red Hessians, wishing to do some good for Rheinland through more peaceful means.
Skype protocol communication code: Beautifulbrokenx