Konnbanwa officers, I have very strange news to report from my patrol last night. It started as any other patrol- Junsa Uzumaki had asked for assistance dealing with an Outcast Battleship, so I readied the Fukuoka and left for Shikoku. Junsa Uzumaki then informed me the target had fled to Kyushu, so I followed through the jumphole. I then raced off to the Tau-23 jumphole, to blockade it. We waited out for Outcast, but there was no further sightings. For more information on the subject, I will have to refer you to Junsa Uzumaki. We then head back to New Tokyo, to unload the various pirates captured in our patrols.
The Liner now has these pirates and other various unlawful pilots, locked away. Due to their increasing numbers, I recommend contacting one of the Keiretsu to bring in some more supplies to keep the ship running. Apart from an improved supply of Food Rations and Water, some Marines and appropriate armaments would be a great help to keeping the prisoners in check.
It was just after we had unloaded our prisoners when a hostile contact came into range near Planet New Tokyo. The ship was identified as a Nomad Battleship, of all things. This was a frightening sight so close to our capital planet. Junsa Usumaki and myself tried to fight if off, but we had to make several runs back to the planet for emergency repairs. Eventually, I managed to contact a patrolling KNF officer, who quickly brought in heavier ships, eventually having 3 Battleships providing a solid bulwark between the aliens, who had reinforced their lone ship with several more battleships, gunboats and crusiers. These hostile reinforcements included a series of Libertonian Naval Ships! I could hardly believe it when they opened fire on us. Despite the shocking and sudden nature of their assault, we were eventually able to fight off the last wave of aliens. Due to the extreme amounts of damage the Fukuoka endured during the fight, I took her over to Yokohama Shipyard for extensive repairs, and she should be space-worthy in a day or two, thanks to the skill of our shipyard workers.
Hopefully, the KNF and KNI will be able to sort out just what happened, and how to prevent it happening again.
Signing off for now, and for a really long sleep,
Junsa-Bucho Tanaka Hidarijima