(10-18-2016, 01:12 PM)Zelot Wrote: The Civil War would be great, if it was actually moving, and actually a full out civil war. At work now, but I had a plan a while ago, a full blown civil war. IKN/Samura/FA/Hogs vs Kishiro/GMG/BD/GC with the KNF basicly stuck in the middle. The IKN force would have Kyushu and Shikoku, KNF would have New Tokyo, Kishiro et al would have Honshu and Hokkido. And then, kerplow everyone just starts duking it out. smugglers and traders run rampant, pirates abound, massive battles litter the house. But that can only happen if the damn story progresses. What we have now isn't a civil war, it's an insurgency. A civil war should involve everyone in Kusari not just the IKN and KNF.
This sounds awesome but let's just remember Kusari player-base is made of... A dozen of dedicated players?
There is simply not enough people to do massive battles as you imagine it. It would work if the entire discovery universe was limited to Kusari. Not going to happen.
Seriously. The last time I interacted with a blood dragon was months ago. And we raid Chugoku regularly. Imperials? They are dead dead dead.
How moving ahead that civil war plot would increase the player-base? What could help?