Because it's true. Whining on their feedback about their RP decisions isn't going to fix anything. But if you want to go ad personam, sure, we can do this.
The 'corrupt government worth their salt' isn't doing anything to reglement the working conditions on those bases, neither are they trying to limit Kruger's and Daumanns expansionist politics. Aside from that, the Red Hessians are, as their name suggests, red terrorists. Terrorists. People that murder to get a point across, and in this case, this point is violent revolution against the capitalists.
Murdering civilians is part of what terrorists do, and interestingly enough, this has never stopped people from supporting them. If you look at pretty much any example of terrorist or revolutionary uprisings, you will find a pile of dead civilian corpses in the wake of all of them - and still, all of them had, at least to some extent, support from the population. I find it only consequential that the hessians do this, and in the process emphasize on the growing disparity of their piratic nature and their revolutionary goals.
So, to end my point: The Hessians do RP. And I don't see them complaining about the tons of PoBs appearing in their territory, I see them react in a roleplay manner to it. Instead of trying to argue how they are wrong ooRPly, you could maybe react in a roleplay manner too.
EDIT: Got ninjaed. This is directed @"Soldiers.Fortune"