(10-18-2016, 05:35 PM)Soldiers.Fortune Wrote: First, this is a feedback thread where the intended purpose of my post was to address what I saw as flawed ideology. This is where whines go.
Second, I have not been personally wronged by the RH in any way. I was simply contributing to the discussion.
Third, if the RH player faction is not careful what you will see is a very practical example of what I was talking about with the desire to "not die", though the actual mechanic is more ooRP.
If players die enough times to RH players or lose enough property or credits to them, they will leave your space. Players will not want to interact with a faction that they feel is abusive, whether this is actually the case or not. So you can RP as close to the line as you please. But in the process you may find that you are alienating yourselves from the playerbase and slowly killing Rhineland activity.
But, that's how the art of war works for Discovery.
You win the battle, simply by getting the enemy to -stop logging- That's what it is. Every Raid to make their finances suffer, every forum post to keep them off guard and show whose winning the battle. It's simple, the one who wins the war isn't the one that wins the most battles, it's the one who makes it easiest for his faction's players to log, fly and have fun as much as possible, while making the exact same as difficult and miserable as possible for the opposition.
To keep your guys going and flying, and make the enemy regret the thought of even nearing the 'join server' button .