You may recognize me from our wrestling broadcasts, but not by face. And masks are easy to change. House companies have always been reluctant to advertise on our airtime due to our location in Curacao and the anti-establishment content of our satires and effigies. This, with the tariffs from Agiera-owned broadcasting companies being jacked sky-high, the organization is financially being driven into the ground. With these two jaws of the vice closing in on us, we've received an offer from the LBC; turn over controlling interest and let them decide on the content and direction of the federation.
We can not allow this; they will dull our keen edge, they will censor our humor and social commentary with their propaganda, and they will snuff out the proud and noble spirit of Lucha Libre.
Most of my "brothers" are trained and skilled pilots, as well as the finest Luchadores in Sirius. We are fearless, we are quick, and we know how to drive awe into the hearts of lesser men. (One of us currently runs freight to raise the funds to keep the business alive. He's managing so far; but we must teach these swine a lesson, rather than continue to let them gorge upon the fruits of his labor.)
So without the knowledge or blessing of mi familia, I submit this application to you. We of Casa Del Raza are good men who detest crime, so you understand the urgency of this plea. If you so choose, I pledge my wits and my bravery to you.
Viva Lucha Libre!
Viva Resistancia!
Viva Del Raza!
By El Santo's will,
- "El Anonimato"
/del *.*
Are you sure? Y/N (Y)
100% Complete.
A day later, Agiera employees were confused and dismayed at the black-market EMP Generator carried into and turned on in the server room of the Curacao office of Liberty Broadcasting Co. While most of the vital long-term data was backed up on Optronic Flash Drives and thus was unaffected by the interference, much of the other hardware was scrapped, including all RAM and thus all data from the past 36 hours of ground-to-sat transmissions.
The lone guard posted in the facility at the time of the break-in was apparently distracted by a particularly exciting wrestling match on the Holo. Upon the backup generator kicking on and the alarm being tripped, he managed to get to the suspect's tracked location only in time to see him bound up and over the compound wall with uncanny agility. No facial ID could be recorded as he wore a full face mask.