Silence filled the room for several moments as the woman stirred from the corner, looking up at her new guests with disdain as she twisted her head sharply from side to side, letting her joint crack and pop loudly as she reset her pose on the floor. "Well... I'm not dead.. Which means you all know I'm worth far more alive" Slowly rolling her shoulders about, her arms stretched out and let her nails drag across the sheeting, leaving a length of scratches to add to the mass of others that were left as well. "That and the food is terrible but I can't argue..
Looking over at the other two beside her guest she gave a bit of a snuff at, lifting her hand to point at the both of them. Alright.. I know that you're not Hawken or Nodtviet.. So I'm guessing its going to be some more questions so spill it.." Without missing a beat she began to roll over onto the flooring, and began to pull her torso back, creating a half moon pose as she continued to stretch herself out more. "More than likely you have my file and read what I said to Hawken... So go for it.."