first of all
> mods not doing their goddamn job of cleaning the thread and instead choosing to close it while there is legitimate discussion inside
good job
very good job guys (clap)
Quote:This is telling, because it proves that the ones complaining have not even taken the time to log in, but will happily spend hours arguing in threads over what should and shouldn't be done with a game they apparently cannot be bothered to log into.
[6:16 PM] Corile: desu after thinking logically about the playerlist changes for literally 5 seconds i came to the conclusion that this is going to have the exact reverse effect than what people wanted it to have
[6:16 PM] Corile: > petitioner playing huniepop
[6:16 PM] Corile: lol
[6:16 PM] Corile: but anyway
[6:17 PM] Corile: before i used to look at the playerlist, i would sort it by systems, see if there's anything going on in the systems that concern me and would log for rp or pvp, whatever was fitting
[6:18 PM] Corile: especially if it would be a large group of indies
[6:19 PM] Corile: now it's just look at the playerlist, sort it by name, look at the faction tags, see if there's anyone i want to shoot, either log or do something else
[6:21 PM] Corile: if there were a group of indies in gamma i wouldn't log because they are in a mystical land called hispania, they could be some random outcast noobs (which in my experience is a lot more common than sair noobs)
[6:22 PM] Corile: if there were a pew between some untagged people in liberty i wouldn't know because for all i knew they could just be indy traders thrown around 8 systems
[6:23 PM] Corile: this is undoing what the guard system culls and reduction of gallia was supposed to create - fewer systems and ease of pinpointing where people are
[6:24 PM] Corile: also some people in that thread think that most people play disco to fly around the same empty systems looking for player interaction for hours
[6:25 PM] Corile: dude i have 11 thousand hours into this game do you really think i can be bothered to look at the same systems over and over without puking
[6:25 PM] Corile: ehh
[6:25 PM] Corile: i swear to god
[6:25 PM] Corile: /rant
[6:26 PM] Corile: oh there's a new thread about it
[6:26 PM] Corile: i guess i'm gonna post this there(edited)
Bottom line: since I'm an extremely abrasive player who only logs into the game for pvp I will now instead of sorting the list by systems sort it by player names, look at the faction tags which I want to target and proceed to log the conveniently closest freelancer IDed ship to find that tagged ship and shoot him down, while he will be certainly glad i was just some random indie snub and he was totally not subject to a horrible act of shadowlogging and metagaming /s