(12-20-2016, 06:34 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: It's a disadvantage for PvP-logging people without TLAGSNET support or scouts. Everyone else will benefit from it, though. Smugglers, traders, RP-loggers. On the other hand, it should be easy for certain factions to find PvP encounters, once they enter enemy territory. Or, well, Conn.
I don´t understand what TLAGSNET or scouts have to do with this. To use them, you need to log ingame. But when you are ingame, you can directly use player list with exact systems. Alley stated already that ingame player list will stay as it is, thus player´s locations still will be there with exact systems.
@Corile Well, players can always log for two minutes in game and check in which system exactly the activity is going on. I would say that your PC setup which requires rebooting just for playing FL is really rare thing.