Well, couldn't say I didn't see someone finally about to comment on the lock.
First of all, Prot, I did it so it wouldn't continue. And in due time, when I wouldn't be hassling with 2-3 things like juggling them back and forth that is. One requiring me to switch my focus entirely to another entire field and in my own native language as well, one more making me have to get off my seat to do things around the house. I had my own stuff to deal with and did it simply as a safe stop, temporarily. I'd like if you didn't go wander off to another thread simply to vent like a stampede. Metaphorical sense intended towards the pure rush of things.
Also, might want to change the plural into a singular. It wasn't the work of "mods", rather just me at the spur of the moment. Thank you.
I can go unlock it pretty much right now as I'm more or less done with my own problems on my own backyard.