Personal Background: Well what to say much, I born in a normal civian family. My father was working as a trader and my mom took care of the household, her small job and the raising of me in to be a "good woman who will have a better living than her parents". So I grew up in a loving home and studied hard to make them proud and took a job in a libary once I had to decide on what I would like to study. Even though I have to admit that I enjoyed the work with the ancient books stored there, where only a few people had access to. Including me since I prove myself to be worthy of taking care of those documents and supervising those who wanted to look in them for their studies. Sadly an incident forces me now to change my life to something new, well that and my wish to finally give my life a meaning I want it to have.
The "incident" is that... How shall I say it, I used one of the oldest heaviest and most expensive books in the libary as a weapon to knock out a student who made a rather idecorous move on me and I paniced. Since I know that this student is the only son of some high animal within the government. I decided that leaving the live behind would be the best step to prevent them from ruining my family and the boring future I might have get. And I am not making things up, that is what I was told from this guy. I mean come on, threatening with his Papa like a little boy. But from a spoiled brat like him I expect only the worse.
So I had to come up with something new and decided to do something I would have never even tried because I do lack self-confidence when things get important at times... Just like the fact that I still not know what to learn for my later life or the realisation that working in the libary was just a lie to myself that I can plan there and I am simply scared since I want to do something I really love. But I lack inspiration what that could be, but I am good at organising things and keeping the overview over important matters. Nevertheless I need to change some things because of my tiny loss of self-control.
What brings you to our cause? I need to do something more drastical to find the way I want to take as my own and I think that die Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee is the best place for me to find it. Rheinland seems to need you more than the governments wants to believe. With this as my own opinion on the current things it seems rather logical to apply to your ranks.
Skype protocol communication code: Tristaaaaaaaaaaan and Golly have it, Char does so too.