So. he we are again. The RHA and the POB's. This time with Breuninger. Another POB your faction try to extort. I guess they are not willing to pay. All cool. I'm not the owner, I'm not in the faction who owns it. i've just had fun supplying it with Uncut Diamonds and Copper Ore for the faction i am affiliated to and i don't mind when Breuninger is gone not as much as the owner does. Obviously. Though, i believe it would be better not to extort or destroy any activity generating POB you find in Rheinland. You should just log more RHA ships to RP with the traders or miners working for the POB's. I was online a lot in Rheinland in Omega 7 and Omega 11 with a Miner named D.H.C.~Omega-7 or Omega-11 just to get a bit attention. And you know what? Nothing happend. Only an independent Pirate. And the RP with him was awesome.
But anyways. Back to Breuninger. My question is, how do you justify an attack with more than 10 RH Battleships at the Capital Planet of New Berlin then? With a "because we can" again? I mean. Omega 7 ok. It is wild, it is dangerous. (or it it should be). An attack there is justified maybe. Even if it is an ooRP battleship fleet. But not a base siege in New Berlin at the, again, Capital Planet of Rheinland. The RHA is not as powerful as you want to make them. You think you can destroy every POB without consequences inRP because you just have the numbers ooRP? I know the RHA is not the only faction with an attitude like this but that is powergaming. Nothing more nothing less. About time the Admins step in here.