(01-11-2017, 05:26 AM)Wesker Wrote: We do RP with traders in the Omegas, our definition of "RP" just might not be the same as yours. The primary fleet doesn't engage in piracy against non-Bretonian or Kruger or Daumann traders for the sake of our lore and the fact that I don't want trading in Rheinland to completely die.
Hm. Don't you think that the POB's are good for Rheinland? I mean, a lot of traders and miners are doing something for them. Which is good for the RHA, so they can log their ships to hunt them down? But it looks like that is not the RP of the RHA these days. Fair enough. I see the the Red Hessians a bit different.
(01-11-2017, 05:26 AM)Wesker Wrote: How does GRN raid New London with 12 valors for an official event made by the Admins when inrp they have no idea where the the New London Jumphole is located in Leeds?
How does the Core raid Mu when Mu is supposed to impenetrable?
How do the Hessians raid Gamma when Gamma is supposed to be the locked down home system of the Corsairs? How do we bring jorms right next to Crete and fight?
How does the RM march into omicron Xi next to the corsair shipyard inrp when they don't even know where it is inrp????????
The RM technically have no knowledge of Omega-54, but how do things like this happen inrp????????????????????
Yes. Valid points you bring up here. I think most of them are stupid moves. I also didn't like the Turtles raiding New York. And Omega 54 shouldn't be raided by a RM fleet. True.
(01-11-2017, 05:26 AM)Wesker Wrote: This whole logic of gameplay=rp is stupid. This argument has come up for ages, yes we don't have a GRN size fleet inrp. Am I going to let that dictate RHA's gameplay or the extortion ring that RHA has been doing since before I was leader mind you? No. Yes its outside Planet New Berlin , do I claim inrp that 20 jorms rolled up to the base and blew it up? No.
You did not claim anything inRP i think. But you claim that the RHA is able to destroy a Base at Planet New Berlin. With a Jorm fleet.
(01-11-2017, 05:26 AM)Wesker Wrote: Every faction ever pulls stunts like this with raids. The argument of weather or not raids or attacks near home planets make sense inrp is a dumb trap bait question. If people followed that logic, we would have far less pvp interactions or RP interactions for that matter. It's not powergaming, its unlawful roleplay, welcome to the reality of unlawfuls. We aren't nice people, we don't act nice inrp. Its a common trait that almost every unlawful faction I see now lacks, they have this cuddly warm "we must be friends w u but we shjote all red cus... yea" attitude and it makes me cringe everytime. Would an angry Hessian tell his life story to a Daumann employee hauling diamonds in omega-11? I know I most certainly wouldn't.
The question is not dumb trap bait. But valid. An unlawful fleet sitting at New Berlin to siege a base is crap inRP. You can have PVP or RP interactions like this in Dresden, Omega 7, Omega 11. And yes. Mostly unlawfuls aren't nice people. And that's how it should work. We need dirty angry pirates and we need the cuddly ones like you like to call them. But i am referring to a possible POB siege at a Capital Planet of a house. With an ooRP fleet.
I also don't expect an angry unlawful player to tell me something about his live for hours. But i don't want to hear the same lame excuses almost any PVP orientated unlawful player is coming up with again and again. "My RP is only shooting. I don't care if you like that or not." Don't get me wrong here. I expect a Red Hessian to shoot me in a Daumann Miner. But i expect atleast a few lines of RP.
(01-11-2017, 05:26 AM)Wesker Wrote: If its really powergaming why didn't the admins stop blodo or Zayne or Aerelm or literally any leader of the RHA ever from doing it years ago? Ask yourself that before making accusations like this on the forums please.
Don't know Zayne. But i know Aerelm and Blodo. They did a great job to keep it fair and balanced. Not always maybe. It's not always possible to keep it fair. You can't please everyone. You will always find someone being angry becuase he died. But they didn't show up with 15+ Jorm fleet in New Berlin as i far as i know. Another example is the ]bd[ faction. They didn't show up with a lol Togo fleet in New Tokyo just for the sake of PVP or RP interactions. I don't have problems with events where both sides agree on the terms. But this one is one-sided. I know it is not your fault that there is no RM. But yeah. I don't think it is much of a fair play to extort POB owners without any effort just because you can ooRP.
(01-11-2017, 05:27 AM)Wesker Wrote: I taxed Reutlingen, and intend to do the same for Nassau, but currently I have other things I'm busy with irl and inrp. So you could say I am making it easy for RHA at the moment yes.
Do you try to fool anyone in this community with this comment? Your "pay or see your base die" POB tax threads are not that time consuming. No one is buying an excuse like that. Before this post came up i really enjoyed your feedback. So. Can we go back to the serious feedback again?