(01-11-2017, 05:26 AM)Wesker Wrote: The primary fleet doesn't engage in piracy against non-Bretonian or Kruger or Daumann traders for the sake of our lore and the fact that I don't want trading in Rheinland to completely die.
To add more opinion/feedback, I am quite confused to read this. Can you elaborate about the lore you refering to? I mean if you finally want to be real freedom fighters against establishment again and not Rheinland version of Liberty Rogues which just extort and spread terror, I am all for it.
But you should apply it to everything then. You claim you don´t pirate traders for the sake of lore and because you don´t want to kill trading. That sounds nice and responsible, however first, I don´t think that reasonable piracy can kill trading (though if you want to switch to voluntary donations, go for it), and second - why is not same attitude applied to POBs then? You don´t want to extort traders but in the same time you extort every single POB you are able to find regardless of who the owner is. For quite some time, your "roleplay" towards all POBs is mostly just "50milordai", with two exceptions of "75milordai" and "200milordai". There were little to no attempts to try anything more even towards neutral bases. I am glad RHA moved from killing bases without even talking to owner like it displayed with the Zoner bases in O-7, however it would be nice to see more than just extortion, especially when it comes to neutral Freelancer POBs. For example, how about asking owner to supply RHA with some commodities they have problem to obtain, instead of just "pay or die"? You can save that for Kruger and Daumann because those won´t and can´t support you.
(01-11-2017, 05:26 AM)Wesker Wrote: This whole logic of gameplay=rp is stupid. This argument has come up for ages, yes we don't have a GRN size fleet inrp. Am I going to let that dictate RHA's gameplay or the extortion ring that RHA has been doing since before I was leader mind you? No. Yes its outside Planet New Berlin , do I claim inrp that 20 jorms rolled up to the base and blew it up? No.
Every faction ever pulls stunts like this with raids. The argument of weather or not raids or attacks near home planets make sense inrp is a dumb trap bait question. If people followed that logic, we would have far less pvp interactions or RP interactions for that matter.
The crucial different is that common raid does not make permanent damage. People fight, die, make sandwich, relog and move on because nothing was lost. Thus in this case it is okay to sacrifice little of RP logic because it helps to create activity. POBs are different story, their destruction is permanent damage and consequently it means also killing activity because players usually won´t try to build it again and often move elsewhere.
So would it affect RHA´s activity really that much if you would exempt literally one area in whole Rheinland from POB killing, especially when it corresponds with basic roleplay settings? After all, things are always about compromise and official factions are expected to have reasonable self-restrictions as they should have higher standards than just basic "I can do everything what rules do not forbid". For example lawfuls are expected to not camp unlawful bases because inRP they don´t know where they are. Everyone knows it´s bad to do it and if it happens, faction leaders are expected to teach members they should not do it.
Thus, would be that much of an issue for you to let POBs in the vicinity of capital planet off the RHA´s reach because inRP that area is heavily defended and Hessians do not have enough forces to operate there (not to mention risking significant part of assets for very little gain as destruction of said base gives Hessians nothing and economic damages for the establishment are very minor)? Is really 50 (or 75) million credits per month important for you to point where you rather throw even basic roleplay logic out of the window to get it? Especially when you yourself said you care about trading Rheinland and you will benefit from it too as POBs help trading activity. Not all of them of course, but some of them does, remember Solitaire when it belonged Xenon for example. Also, if there will be no ore storages, traders will go trade ores from other places and thus play elsewhere, not to mention mining activity which will be reduced as well.