It has been a long time, but here is my latest report. Earlier today I went to Hiroshima to retrieve the KDS-Fukuoka from the Kure Shipyards, after completing its weaponry overhaul. I then took the Fukuoka on a patrol down the lanes in Hiroshima and found 2 Zoner Mobile Colony Ships [x][x]. They claimed to be running sorties against the local pirates as a method to procure funds for their research and other supplies. However, since the Nephilim is classed as a battleship it is not permitted within the borders of the Kusari Republic without first procuring a licence from the Naval Forces High Command. I fined [x][x] both zoners and escorted them to the Ireshara Refinery in Okinawa, the closest edge of space claimed by the republic. I'm told both vessels have now applied for a licence to transit Kusari.
Next I found a smuggler carrying slaves through Shikoku, so I waited for them outside the New Tokyo end of the jump gate. Upon confronting them about the slaves, they dumped them into space and shot them, in a despicable display of cold-blooded murder. On top of this they then refused to admit their crimes, and claimed the had no funds left to pay a fine. I then escorted them back to Shikoku and out into Kepler, all while they insulted me and claimed to be a lowly trader. I will add them to the Kusari Criminal Codex after submitting this report.
That concludes this report, several other traders were scanned and watched over during their transit, as well as a few pirates shot down and now awaiting their trial.
Signing off for now,
Junsa-Bucho Tanaka Hidarijima