Everyone knows this one sole fact: I never wanted Samarran Raiders or Commune in Maltese government. I was invited many times by many parties that were stepping into leadership chair. The mission of SR/ Commune was to preserve and protect leadership, whatever it was. It's called being grateful to those who accepted you. Well, until now, (speaking of being part of government). Oh and one representative is enough, didn't you see?
Now, I feel a certain dose of OORP mixing with your RP, when you write like that, you know? Especialy to this, "we do not care". I mean, come on, it's obvious. And I do not have any idea about what kind of pacificism you talk about? Our friends are Liberty Rogues and Nomads/Wild. We long time ago ended up with spreading "the orange" and bringing back fresh slaves from Niverton. And our associates are our associates, neither they are obliged to carry cardamine if they do not wish. I believe that Malta has enough of traders who do so. Therefore, if they are our associates, they are associated with Malta, and to benefit it's security and prosperity, in any way they can. You decided to use "cojones" instead of "sane mind" and shot ones associated with Malta.
"We do not care" is your choice and nobody can restrict your from that. Though, I must say, if your faction really wishes to work for "better Malta" then it should change it's mentality. If we would be "oh, where's the history, is it documented anywhere" then, what is Legion doing? They didn't even wipe milk on their "pre- moustache", considering how long the group does exist but, they have ability to boss around due to ammount of PvP aces in it but what about RP and history?
Your kind of attitude was seen before in Outcasts, and it only resulted in Outcasts failing and being split. Now, if you really want to RP a serious Outcasts faction, you should act like one and not like bunch of kiddos. Speaking of "we do not care".
You have time and chance to think about it. I said what I had.