»»» Location: Trenton, New York
»»» Sender ID: Nick Stenn
»»» Recipient ID: Dell Atreides
»»» Issue: EVO 2B Nyx - Colonial Space Superiority Fighter
Mr Atreides,
Thank you for contacting me, I was worried that Sabah was no longer providing outsiders. As for the information requested , I have no problem in sharing that with you. My personal standing in Sirius is fairly good, and I will spare you the details of those relations, and rather tell you about the parts I am sure you are more interested in, my relationships with your enemies. I hold the Junkers, Core and Republic of Kusari in neutral standing, due to work that requires me moving through their ZOI, and I wish to do so unhampered. Further than that, I am opposed to all the enemies of the Crayterian Republic, with the exception of the Auxesians, due to us never having crossed paths before, and the above listed for convenience sake. I hope that this is the answer you were looking for, and I reassure you that the Nyx in question will not be used against, directly or indirectly, the Republic and its allies in any way.
As an addition, I believe I have worked alongside Crayter ships in the Leeds system on at least one occasion in the past.