From: Dr. Dan Brooks, Planetform Incorporated
Encryption: Twin Band Alphanumeric
Subject: Yuma
First of all, I wanted to thank you for prompt delivery on my little order. It will help us to keep up with our plans for the next few weeks.
Now, I have two news for you. One is good, another is... very, very bad, so to speak. Where do I start? Alright, let's start with good one.
It seems that we identified a phytohormone group that is a good candidate to be a foundation of our AntiGro solution. We named the group Kimberlins, and I will explain why in no time. Applied to subjects provided to us, it causes uncontrollable growth in as low concentration as 10 mg/kg, and eventually kills the plant when concentration reaches 15 mg/kg. This is a good starting point. We still need to understand which other components the solution will include.
However, this discovery came at a price, and I would say, a highest one possible. But let me explain what happened in details.
Once we identified the group of hormones with desired effects in-vitro, we moved on to work with them in-vivo, on test subjects. Team of three people was working on it: myself, Dr. Blake and Miss Kimberly Owens. Long story short, we applied the hormone to a sample, and at 15 mg/kg, as I said, it caused explosive growth. It was late in the night two days ago when it happened. Me and Dr. Blake already left the room where experiment was conducted, and Ms. Owens overstayed to complete some additional tests.
At some point, the overgrown plant burst out, releasing enormous amounts of pollen which caused poor Ms. Owens to suffocate despite wearing protective mask. Looks like its filters where totally blocked by the pollen mass. The plant itself didn't last much longer and also died, crushed by the weight of its own sprouts.
Body of Ms. Owens is now in our med block, waiting for evacuation. I'm devastated by this tragedy and I offer my deepest condolences to you and to the family of Ms. Owens. The least we could do is to name the result of our discovery in her honor.
We continue our research in hope to commemorate our late colleague. Despite this tragic incident, the program goes by the plan. I expect that we could begin field tests in three-four weeks.