@PRJKTLRD : Don't get me wrong. There is nothing bad in terms of rules for the 2nd encounter.
However, this complaint stands:
Quote:[...]within minutes L\- logs upwards of 5 snubs. Every. Single. Time.
[...]having to get up at 3-5am every morning to play with MY friends and then be swarmed by L\- every single time to spoil it is not fun. I just can't be bothered anymore.
I think everybody with a bit of empathy can imagine what happens when you were shot out, made this quoted post, then tried to log again to end your morning Disco experience with something fun, and the same people came for you again.
You are right that logging on does not grant you to get what you want to, and that is fine.
But in the state that Disco is at the moment, every notion of "we will shoot them off the server" (correct or not, intended or not) should be avoided at all cost. It's the assumption that drive people off and it is clearly reflected in some posts of my newer members.