(03-08-2017, 09:59 PM)Dave.Synk Wrote: Concepts and ideas can be usually interpreted quite often given the nature of an RP environment, especially when differential opinions do exist.
But since I've considered @Vendetta you being more cooperative than someone else from your faction, to show you that Commune is a good RP sport and rival inRPly, we and personally I will be responsible to do extensive RP regarding our way to reach the exact location of our interests. I need to clarify first of all that we are well aware about the nowadays status of the Kansas system, and we, under no circumstance, even claim to just barge there, descend, go, take out and leave, like nobody resides there.
We will take care of this RP planning to be very reasonable for both Commune and Auxesia, since they have a more stronger foothold on the planet. We will find a reasonable way to get to our isolated asset, but I can only expect a reasonable status from your side as well. We can even invite you to take part in this story we wish to create, if you consider this to be needed. Because, being put in a position of yours, it would, apparently look from the outside that we ignore the actual RP work and effort you've put to create your ground base and since I am all high with RP since I'm part of this community, it would be only fair and just to do it in a non-abusive and powergamey way.
Given the previous encounter in Pennsylvania, during that moment, given our pass and escape from the Liberty sector, we managed to pass over through Kansas, quickly enough to do a sweep scan, only to a certain area in which our presumed asset should be. Even ingame we didn't reside for too long, because we wanted to avoid any contact. That, taken as an inRP situation, we didn't want to stay too long so your forces to prepare and retaliate even more, because you had all the reasons to do so. I don't say we entered in a stealthy way, and I have to say, that personally I wasn't aware of the implications of the Auxesia's ground base on Wichita being so large. It would only be clearly that we had no reason to do anything, and several ships had no possible way to avoid your perimeter scans.
All that being said, we are aware of what difficulty would present the possibility to infiltrate on the surface of the planet to avoid said attention or to at least attract a minimum one.
If your side doesn't take an all-mighty impossible to penetrate stance, we will be more than interested to develop an extensive RP line to find a method to get there and get what we need.
RP Is flexible and so we are willing to become, so you and others would clear any concerns that have regarding that idea. The other matters, that I consider small, that have been posted, with minor ooRP approach of Jack Light, as I've seen a screenshot, those are not a real concern and can be easily corrected. When it comes with an RP big enough to affect another faction, I'm very interested to clear and find solutions.
I hope it clears many of your concerns mate.
PS: I need to mention for those unaware that the whole Commune RP doesn't orbitate around Wichita now, it's only a project that was presented by my character to the members of Commune, and does not represent the whole Commune Roleplay story/background as a whole. I am fully responsible for the Wichita story.
Thank you. This actually does alleviate my concerns in some way.
Though I should reiterate our presence on Wichita isn't large in comparison to the other occupants of the system its self such as the Xenos nearby or the Legion/Commonwealth entirely. Currently that medium-sized outpost serves as a central hub for operations in our current state. While we're not an overbearing force, it's still a primary zone for our people, hence why traffic would be monitored closely, especially with the rise of civilian traffic caused by the DSE mining operation.
I should also elaborate that I'm not trying to halt your RP in any way, and I have no problem with activity in the area or what you guys want to do. Nyx and I saw some holes/flaws in the story that would raise a lot of questions - not just by us, but by the other factions in the area should they be bothered to examine the context of the scenario.