Understanding that my decision is quite... Unexpected, I've come to the conclusion that the use of deterrent weapons means that we can both stay ahead and in attempt, scare the opposition of not using their own weapons in an event of fear of us using our own. The dawnbreaker can be built... But we are prepared.
Now, I know that I've said this before over the private communications but I want to make this more clear to you. The re-assignment to your mission is no longer to eavesdrop and gather intelligence on Auxesian movements, they seem to be doing well without our intervention but there's one key weakness that seems to always stem from the two notorious leaders. Auxesia must survive in the conclusion that we share many enemies and that their aid within a military, technological and scientific scale will be beneficial to the Buro and state.
But the child, Isai, is weak and unwell and is the weakest link in keeping Auxesia tgether. Hunt told me himself when he going off on one of his depressing monologues again. Personal friendships and morals aside, he is the link that keeps Hunt and Raven together. If I could even picture it myself, its like a relationship before the divorce happens, almost like a power struggle. Hunt says he does most of the work and continually swoons over for her, then I hear Raven does most of the work and tries to push him away so she can focus on working more, then they argue about it, Hunt is kicked out or takes himself out away from her- I think you get it. But if they break apart, there is a almost a highly possible chance that Auxesia is definitely dissolving, maybe slowly, but most definitely. I'd love to play god farther and regularly visit the child and sometimes babysit, but apparently Raven still labeled the Buro on child experimentation for some absurd reason. (I know we do some crazy things but I've always wanted a child of my own, but there are some complications concerning my own relationship.)
Again, sorry for the babysitting duty, but do continue to monitor activities of Auxesia that may present a threat to the Republic of Rheinland. Our risk analysis results on Auxeisa is definitely low for now, they don't present a direct immediate threat.
Direktor Geoff Enfield
Büro der Marineintelligenz, Oberkommando