Encrption High Location Sabah Shipyard Kon'nichiwa Worth-san,
Kase-san is currently supervising the construction of an island and making some check-ups concerning their construction. He received your message and linked me to this channel to tell you what you wished for to know. Unfortunately the connection is still rather unstable during the construction but he managed to send me the required informations.
First of all you are allowed to proceed to New Astarte, compound B. The hanger crew is awaiting your people and will guide them to the local accomidations. Secondly Kase-san told me that your people can visit our university, I send a message there and am still awaiting the reply. But I think orientating shouldn't be that hard and you will find and visit what you'd want to see.
Further more the joint expedition is set to start in three days, so they can prepare thoroughly.
If there should still be questions don't hesitate to contact Kase-san. He should be in a more stable connection tomorrow.