From: Dr. Catrine Berg, Planetform Incorporated
Encryption: [Triple Range Alphanumeric]
Subject: Yuma Dear Mr Kase and Crayter's research team,
On the advice of respected Mr. Worth, I decided to introduce myself to you. My name is Catrine Berg and I am doctor of terraforming technologies from Cambridge University. Despite the fact that I am involved in the study of process of terraforming, I also have degrees and knowledge in such areas as Biology and Chemistry. That's why I was sent here to help you in your projects. I really like this planet. This is just an extensive field for experiments, bold projects and developments! So, I am fully confident that through joint work we will succeed!
Additional note: In addition to the already delivered laboratory equipment, I have several additional things that must also be delivered. Delivery is handled by our ship. PFI) Minerva arrives on the planet in a week. Thanks.
With the wishes of a successful work,
Dr.Catrine Berg
PlanetForm Incorporated