Kon'nichiwa. Igarashi-Junsa reporting patrol in Kyushu/New Tokyo systems on 824-04-04.
Todays patrol was tough. I am currently at the medical bay on Shinjuku station. En route from Planet Kyushu to Planet New Tokyo I encountered an Outcast pilot named Jared Nomak. His Sabre very heavy fighter was positioned next to trade lane ring from Kyushu Jump Gate to station Shinjuku. I demanded that he left the Kusari space, however, he denied the request and opened fire on me. As it turned out, his ship had superior firepower and my Wyrm quickly suffered severe damage and was disabled. I escaped the vessel and was taken to Shinjuku station by another police patrol after the Outcast left.
I'm requesting replacement fighter for the duration of repairs on my Wyrm. I also wanted to inquire if there is a possibility to equip our ships with more advanced weapons technology to be able to compete with the enemy.