I am Speaker Lucian, Chapter Master of the Speakers of Sirius. With what intentions do you stir the balance set as it lays my dear brothers? Have not the Libertonians the right to arm themselves as they see fit? If not by what decree is that said, and if they are of that right who are we to tell them they may not?
By what charge also is it that the Order feels they are infected, we are all brothers of humanity but not all of us share the view that you proclaim. I ask such daunting questions so that we may only better understand the decisions put to us. What are the findings of my long estranged brothers, what supports them and what drives them to their ultimate goals. Nothing more.
If after the time of presentation and analysis of this information we find that your conclusions are true we may still join you in your cause. But until then we will continue to ask and observe the balance of life.