Konbanwa, Kusari officers! Today, 02.05.824 I am writing from the board of the battlecruiser "Chikara". We discovered and destroyed the outcast's destroyer. He ran away for a long time and ignored us until we reached the Sigma-19 system. It was pretty tight fight. Finally, we put this ship out of action. Junsa-bucho Akeno Mori Glory to Kusari. Additional Files
[21.04.2017 02:33:23] [KSP]KDS-Fukuoka: T: Cut your engines, outcast
[21.04.2017 02:34:01] [KSP]KDS-Chikara: RO: This is Kusari State Police. Turn off your engines immideatly!
[21.04.2017 02:34:23] DeadeyeBlade[$25] entered tradelane at New Tokyo F-5
[21.04.2017 02:34:28] DeadeyeBlade: waves