»»» Location: Glendalough Orbital
»»» Sender ID: Elena Voigt
»»» Recipient ID: Jack Light
»»» Issue: A surprise
Hello Mr. Light,
I apologize if the words I chose in my last message seemed too harsh to you, but in the end, this is just an answer you must have expected, really. If we are willing to help you out, we'd like to be helped out by you one day too if such a necessity arises. That's all.
We're not pushing you to reveal data you don't want to reveal as of yet, of course. However, as I understood you, the Commune seems to have plans you highly dislike and don't correlate with your own, which makes me wonder whether you are truly that much of a business man to not care who you sell those information. Or to make people pay money for it who could, one day maybe, do something about it with the help of others. As far as you told me, I can only state the ways Commune is following seem very dangerous to the human race, enslaving us to the nomads, and you are still thinking only about business and money? This is an honest question, as I can't judge as of yet what kind of person you are exactly. One who cares for money, or one who cares for the sake of humanity.
Your idea doesn't sound bad, we should consider a more personal meeting, without any sort of ambushes - which I'm not assuming, but I still am not hundred percent sure you've turned your back on Commune. Let this meeting be a good and trusted one, then my doubts will vanish. Just suggest a date, time and location and I will be there. Most preferably would be our own station, however.
Yours sincerely, Elena Voigt,
Knight Captain
The Forlorn Hope