To: Sofia Zelinsky From: Arbeiter Lukas Mohr, der Alster Union. Subject: Lookithat; people without Y chromosomes.
Damn straight, girl.
Don’t choke on your disposition - you’ve got it figured down pat. I’m willing to give you a shot at the big time because you’re showing what we in the office call ‘the spark’ - means you’re mad, got fire in your guts, something that takes you out of your weight class and gives you a chance to deal with the world as it is.
I’m going to vouch for you up at the office and give you something of a metaphorical second wind. Head to Hamburg, the bar on eight twenty seven district, ask for Arno. He’ll tell you what you need to know, and who you need to tell it to. Before you know it you’ll be on a shuttlecraft to destiny.
Your engineering skills are going to have to speak for themselves, which they will, when they gain the opportunity to do so. Which is going to be damn frequent, considerin’ our lust for ship engineers of proficiency. It won’t be subtle - you’ll be working with ordinance. You’re going to have to figure out how the world spins off its own rotation and when to find your balance back.
But - damn, girl - born in Dresden?
Jesus christ. I don't have anything more to say here. Play ball by the rules and you're in.
Sofia Zelinsky has been accepted into the Reichsarbeitergesellshaft at Arbeiter rank.