Short biography: Well there is not much to say about me, born in 795 A.S on Kyushu my father was a fisher and my mother educator in a local nursery school my childhood was packed with hard work and studying. My father was very proud of me when I told him I will join the Naval Forces. I finished my basic training and moved to New Tokyo to etablish my life and started working in a Workshop for flying Vessels sized up to Freighters. It was around 815 A.S when I moved in back to the Naval Forces to join the Tau War I lost many comrades and friends and so did the Bretonians. I managed to survive major battles with relative slight damage to my ship, I guess I had a good Guardian Angel or just had foolish luck. In 822 I returned to New Tokyo to continue my Naval career joining the first Naval Forces fleet is my first step.
Flight experience (from 0 to 10): 10
Knowledge of Kusari RP (from 0 to 10): 5-6
//S.K.Y.P.E. protocol address (required for coordination purposes): xx1klasxx