(06-10-2017, 07:47 PM)SMI-Great.Fox Wrote: Here's the system I would suggest:
SRP Team - 5/6 Members
1. SRP is reviewed.
2. Team Votes yay or nay
3. Team passes SRP up the chain with reasons for approval.
4. Final Vote is given and if approved Admin implementation is done.
1. Admins do not need to read over all the details thus less time needed as only a simple review is needed and a single vote.
2. Team would be held to standards of Moderators/Admins and rules accordingly.
3. Stress Reduced over timelines to get things completed.
(06-10-2017, 07:38 PM)Hannibal Wrote: From my experience that group of peoples with "same standards" as the aforementioned are what causing the delays and will take even longer if will happen or will see silly things getting approved because of friendships and sorts ...
(06-10-2017, 07:47 PM)SMI-Great.Fox Wrote: That's not what I meant by such. I was going at for rules wise in how they were to act in dealing with such.
So you deleted it before finishing this reply.. however..
A way to sort request and such won't solve this problem because this is something that can take a few hours to read the rp and not just blindly approve it and then have to deal with it later, which happened quite a few times and it always end up in a awkward situation, even more so when done by a previous team..