Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium Origin:New York, Norfolk Shipyard ID:Captain John Armada Subject:Patrol report
Greetings, High Command!
When I started my patrol, Liberty space seemed to be actually peaceful for a while. Once every system was checked, I decided to return to Planet Manhattan, listening to the civils sitting at Trenton.
After a while, I received a message by someone named "Rapier", telling me there was a pirate at West Point Academy. Arriving there, I met upon the "pirate" which happened to be an Outcast named "Rapier", who already prepared for me tapping into his trap. Already chased by the local patrols, including two gunboats, he tried to provoke and lure me away to an area in his favor. Of course I didn't fall for this, instead I decided to turn the tables and get him to follow me back to Planet Manhattan. Midway in the lane, he distrupted the tradelane-sequence and broke off, trying to provoke me again.
As I was about to reply on his attention with gunfire an LSF-Agent named "Gregory Schmidt", already rushed in to take care of the Outcast. As he seemed to have the situation handled, I just remained stand-by but ready to go in, in case hostile reinforcments should arrive. Standing by didn't last long, when the Outcast decided to unleash full gunfire on me, which I decided to reply. Of course he didn't stand any chance as he ate a nuclear mine triggered by my cruise distrupting missle.
At the same time, three SCRA-vessles and a criminal arrived at Planet Manhattan. A navy vessle was already destroyed, when LSF-Agent Schmidt and me arrived. Both of us were engaged the moment we closed in towards the scenery. The Forlorn Hope went in to assist us, turning the combat equal. Thanks to them, we managed to hunt down all four hostile vessles without further casualities. Unfortunately, due the heat of the battle, I wasn't able to make any visual evidence.
Once the situation was cleared, I was about to get my Guardian repaired and ammunition restocked, but this got distrupted by an Outcast Destroyer named "donramos" showing up above Manhattan. Distrupting it's cruise engine, LSF-Agent Schmidt and me closed in to keep the capital vessle stunned. The captain decided to unleash fire upon us, so we replied alike, yet not doing somewhere close to enough damage, to actually scratch the ship. Then Lieutenant Prower showed up in her Upholder, closing in to engage the Outcast Destroyer. Thanks to her firepower we managed to take down the threat. After this, I returned to Planet Manhattan, for repairs and restocking, while Lieutenant Prower returned into her day off. Also LSF-Agent Schmidt decided to end his duty for this day.
Starting off from Planet Manhattan again, I noticed an interesting name passing by. Alicia Prower, marked as hostile moved towards Rochester. I managed to get close enough to scan her vessle, determining she was a member of the Lane Hackers. At the same time I started a conversation with her, trying to make her stop, answering to my questions. During our conversation, she told me her story, and confirmed my assumption that she was indeed Lieutenant Nicole Prower's sister. Since she didn't show any hostile behavior and actually acted cooperative, I managed to convince her in abandoning her relations with the Lane Hackers. So I decided to escort her towards Barrier Gate Station in Conorado and did everything I could to, to help her change her ways. With a new ship, paid off fines for certain less legal actions and clean papers, she contacted Lieutenant Nicole Prower to restart her life as a now law-abiding citizen. Along with this, I could prove, that the Liberty Navy, especially the 5th Fleet, isn't consisting of just icecold, triggerfinger gunloving, killermachine-like soldiers, but indeed understanding, empathic, humans.