(07-03-2017, 12:43 PM)Ingenuus Research Group Wrote: Any announcement/notification within this topic is on hold, due to an unusual admin overule in official faction relations. For now, the faction stays officially in the same organisation as it was with Erzie as officially acting 1iC and HassLHoFF™ as officially acting 2iC until further discussion or decission.
The Official Faction asked the admin team for help, after investigation we suggested that the situation should wait another month. This was not a clear, the leader just left situation., each situation is looked at individually.
It was mere a demand in final instance. I asked about help what to do about it first instance. @Skorak suggested a player requested which is certainly a good way to start. It was discussed internally in the IRG. The concordant conclusion was to replace Erzie and do a new leaders vote which was detailed here. There wasn't even democracy behind voting for a new leader, it was concordant. @Alley As same as there isn't such a rule for it, there isn't a rule against it, so it generally means to me and or hopefully all factions that relations internally in official factions and factions overall are kept to be matters of own choice with only required server staff involvement.