(07-20-2017, 06:17 PM)Tænì Wrote: > Complains about ganks during 1v1s.
> Interrupts a 1v1 with a gank.
If you can't walk the walk, don't talk the talk. Next time we'll just eyeball numbers instead of trying to be optimal. As far as I'm concerned all feedback from RHA on this subject is pretty much mute, now.
Read the discord logs I posted, I specifically said I didn't care about the gank, I was only upset at the use of missiles. Here's that double standard again, where whenever you lose a fight in the same way you dish out fights you complain like it's the end of the world. For the record, we had less numbers than you, 3-4, as you said on discord, having 1 more than the opposing side isn't really a gank, but now it is?
Not only that, but didn't you tell me in the MRG chat you were beyond complaining in feedback threads? Well so much for that thought. This is really REALLY starting to get on my nerves, I can't fight you even with less numbers without you complaining. First a vidar and a jorm against 5 dessies in Koeln which (somehow?) warranted a complaint from you about ganking? Are you serious?
If you wan't me to be mute, if you want me to bring missiles, if you want me to unleash the hordes of jormungands and vidars, I'm more than willing to. You think you "rolling your eyes at numbers and throwing more" is really anything to be scared of? Don't come in here and threaten me like your suddenly the big man when in reality you're just incapable of getting over yourself after every fight you lose so you need to complain about it. Sure I get upset when I lose, but I don't visit the faction's feedback thread in every scenario.
Take a break, actually READ the discord logs and the logs from conversation in the MRG chat we had, then come back here and call me a scumbag.