Bridge, Gaia-II, Bethlehem Station Bays, Pennsylvania
"I am just curious how she is going to help the Republic" - the pilot ended, before switching comms. to speak with the station staff.
Kara didn't say anything right away, she waited for the entire docking procedure to finish. Then, after putting down her data-pad and calling it a job well done for everyone, she turned to the pilot - "It's not about how she can help us, at the moment, Clyde. It's about how we can help her. Our job is to get her to Yuma in maximum comfort, not to start speculating." - she ended that last phrase with a slight grin, then continued while giggling "It's not like we don't fly the Ministers around all the time... so you know we get the best info before it even hits the news."
As the pilot noded with a snicker of his own, the ship's captain left the bridge quietly.
Guest Hall, Gaia-II, Bethlehem Station Bays, Pennsylvania
After getting changed in a semi-formal red outfit, sporting a jacket with the Phoenix logo on one side and the Intersun logo on the other, Kara sat calmly on a chair in the Guest Hall and clicked the comm. ear-piece she had - "Mister Atreides, everything is a go here. Luggage is safely strapped in the hold and living quarters are ready. Tap my comms. when you're about to embark."
As soon as the guests would enter, she'd sit up and to greet them.