After being notified that the guests would be taken straigth to the 'View', Kara thought Ah, I guess he's trying to impress them... In that case, I better go welcome them properly. She stood up from the chair and proceeded to elevator 4.
Dome Lounge, Gaia-II, Pennsylvania
Kara noded with a smile towards Frank "Mister Atreides..." then she turned, with the same honest smile, to the two guests and continued "And these must be Miss Naggar and " - she leaned forward, trying to meet the boy's height - "mister Naggar, is it?"
She returned her posture, then bowed her head slightly and presented herself "Captain Kara Gordon, Intersun Luxury Liners. It's my pleasure to meet you both."
She then motioned towards her left "As i'm sure the Secretary has already mentioned, your rooms are right there. I took the liberty of telling the pilots to commence our journey. That being said, would you like to rest first or would a meal be required beforehand?"