She was exhausted as evidenced by the full eight hours she slept. Carefully she rose so as to not disturb the still sleeping Benjen who would remain sleeping through most of the trip. She stretched a bit and realized what she was wearing was all wrinkled from sleep. She slipped into the other quarter that was designated for her and stripped down for a shower. The hot water felt good as she leaned her head back to let it flow over her, standing in the running water to relax her.
Thoughts of what she had embarked on ran through her head as she stood half soaped up. "I hope you know what you're doing," she thought to herself. With a weak smile, she finished soaping and then rinsed.
Shampooing her long, red hair, she thought back to her days on Canaria Medical. How good they were. That was what she hoped would be a repeated. She accomplished much then and built her reputation both as a physician and a surgeon. Gran Canaria was where she also became excellent with children.
Her shower finished, she wrapped herself in a towel while she brushed her hair. As she was on a ship with Crayter personnel, she opted to not where the perfume she often used. Not today. Maybe later when she was more established and settled. She wore a gold necklace with a small heart pendant that her father had given her when she was younger. She then slipped into something casual, a cobalt blue blouse and white slacks. She didn't want to be too revealing as she was still hadn't gotten a feel for her hosts. She did, however, leave her hair down.
Before she left the room, she pulled a blanket over the sleeping Benjen and kissed him gently on the side of his forehead. She smiled and softly whispered, "You're still my greatest achievement." Securing the doors to the quarters, she quietly stepped out with only her datapad in hand.
She made her way to where they had dined only hours before. She figured the crew to be busy and didn't want to interrupt. She was in search of a cup of coffee to start the day. Coffee....her other beverage of choice. She kept a regular supply of Sunbucks on her ship when she traveled. As she walked, she took in the view of the ship. It was a magnificent ship. She had only heard of Crayterian craft but never seen one. There reputation for design was solid. Finding some coffee, she poured a cup and found a window to look out of. She could only wonder where she was as she enjoyed that first cup of morning joe.