...medical chief. Gods knows we need the best with the war raging... - echoed in Kara's mind for a moment. It was true, in fact... an all too real truth nowadays. And Kara knew it better than most. It's why she ended up as captain of a civilian vessel in the first place. It was her only choice, in order to keep serving the Republic, after her Nyx got blown to bits in a skirmish last year. Her injuries were too severe for her to ever pilot fighters again.
"Yes, you're right..." she replied, with a rather faded voice.
She continued listening to Frank's eulogistic statements and simply nodded with the words "Maybe we did get the short end... but it's better than doing nothing, isn't it?"
Kara moved around the bridge, checking everyone's consoles to make sure the flight vectors were on par with the estimates, then she returned to her seat and tapped the comms. - - a few key-presses later, she just stated "Aeryn Condor" and began recording a voice-transmission: "State Secretary Condor, I'm notifying you that we'll be on Yuma's surface in less than 10 hours. Furthermore, I was asked by Mister Frank Atreides to open a secure line between your office and his quarters. Please confirm when ready."
She tapped the close button, then leaned on her right elbow, left out a sigh and thought - somewhat trying to reassure herself - Better than doing nothing...
Gaia-II, New Thessalonica Space-port, Planet Yuma, Coronado
approximately 9 hours later
The mooring procedure was going as smooth as possible, with an occasional small turbulence here and there due to the strong oceanic winds. After about 10 minutes, the ship was completely still, with only the sounds of vents being heard due to pressure stabilisation. The Capital City Space-port was one of the largest on Yuma so far, with continuous traffic being coordinated in all directions. The commotion was, as usual, constant and energetic... with people moving everywhere - some to travel, some to trade, some coming home, some leaving... And above all this, you could see the clear blue skies of Yuma that were reflected in its vast ocean.
The pilot received the last message required before he could call it a day "Docking finalised. Gaia-II, welcome home!" - at which point he simply excused himself from the captain and left to take some fresh air. Everyone else on the bridge did the same, except for the captain who stayed behind to check if all systems were properly shut down.
Fresh air - not a bad idea actually... I'll see about getting the passengers to their welcoming party... Kara thought. So, she just went forth to the ship's exit. She leaned on the door's frame, with her hands crossed and a smile on her face - waiting for Frank and the guests to come.