Doreen gave a bright smile to Erik, "Benjen is a fourth grader right now so college is a ways off." She directed her attention more to him, "He's great with numbers, something I'm not. Numbers, languages and science. He speaks Libertonian and some Rheinlandic but understands the latter better than he speaks it, probably because it's my native tongue. If he has a weakness, I think he unintentionally crosses the two."
"As to your second offer of prototype surgical tools, I would love to assist with this," she said with another smile as she gave attention to both Erik and Ryo, "I think we have a lot to offer each other. I think we can help each other a lot. It helps that I have some good connections."
She then sighed and put on a natural look, "I've been studying your laws which makes my next issue a bit testy." She hands them a list that includes synthetic marijuana, halo tainment bands, cardamine, stabiline and human organs. "I don't use synth but it does help with some patients so I'm asking for an OK to prescribe it with heavy restrictions," she explained, "Halo tainment bands, when controlled, make for a alternative anesthesia. Human organs, well, they are medically needed in some cases and as I'm a student of science and forever will be, I research the mysteries of cardamine and hope to find a reversal for it like my old mentor used to. I'll pay for any licensing that I may require and keep that work in a secret place from the public."