Doreen gave a sigh of relief. What was contraband was often difficult to procure even for people in her position. Her new hosts were ready to make it easy. "Erik, you have just made my job and life a bit easier," she said smiling, "thank you. Just having a secure place to work will be all I require with very limited access."
She then turned back to Ryo. "A question of real estate. For once, I can get something I really want and not to have to settle," she explained, "my condo on Houston sold and I have credits to spend. I value my quiet time so would you have a suggestion of a place that's waterfront and out of the city itself? Of course, I don't mind visitors so long as they call ahead."
While Ryo had a chance to process the question, Doreen noticed the food that was arriving. She was hungry but not starving not to mention that she watched what she ate.
"Hamburg is pretty far," answered Benjen, "but I haven't been there since I was a baby. I have lived all over. Gran Canaria, Houston and...." He put his arms over his head and held his hand apart as far as they would go, ".......a really big space ship." He then put his arms back down, "It was kool for awhile but it got boring."
He then thought about what Peter said about defending his nation. "Fighting," he said, "I hate fighting. I have watched my home suffer because of it. I have been picked on over it because I am different and one thing Mom never taught me was fighting."
He then sunk for a moment, "Mom doesn't fight either." He then perked back up, "My Mom is a doctor. What is yours?"