==================== RULE:4. Mercenaries, freelancers and bounty hunters may be hired on the spot in game by non-generic IDed players to assist with a combat without a forum post. The other parties involved in the combat must be made aware of this.
QUESTION:If a bounty hunter is hired to attack a ship that just pirated a transport, but it was not done at the time of the piracy, and the bounty hunter did not have any interaction during that encounter, can they still be hired without a forum post? If the bounty hunter only catches up to the target after that encounter (and was not involved), can the hiring be done in private? If the bounty hunter is informing of a bounty (but not assisting due to piracy/attack) as the bounty issuer is not present (and did not communicate the bounty at all to the target) should there be a forum post by the time they attack? ==================== ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:
Please wait for a rules update regarding this line.
The intent of the rule is to allow players to be hired during an ONGOING fight or rather - and ongoing interacting between the two sides.
Meaning that as a trader - you may hire a hunter or a merc DURING your interaction with a pirate. The issue here is that if you hire them post-mortem, it may lead to situations where the opposing side mistakes the mercenary for an alt character of yours.
So to sum it up - hire extra-muscle while the players are present. If they are yet to be encountered, wait until you do. If this is after an interaction - hire them on the forums.