MRG| continues to embarass itself with conduct wholly unbecoming of a group bucking for officialdom.
But this is DWR| feedback not MRG, and I'm in my phone and only posting here because my name was mentioned, so...
Shelco, you were cool back in November. The way you've been acting now is an insult to the memory of the Shelco I knew.
Quick question: Being as activity in Rheinland is almost nil, what happens when you log and nobody comes? CF| just had crippling limitations, 343 just disappeared one day, GMG| had no Meph and was therefore doomed to failure, and DWR| has but one mentality and that mentality is kriegkriegkrieg.
From political idealists. When I try to debate with you ideologically on an indie Police ship, I expect something thought-provoking and worth writing about, not "okay, our fighter can kill you" + piling of 2 Gunboats in what is allegedly a duel. Though you knew about that already.