This document is visible to all enlisted officers of the Marine Royale Gauloise, hereby I, Florence Gabrielle Michaux state, that I have conducted service in the ranks of the MRG on the 15th of Septembre 740 A.G.S. Honneur et Patrie, Valeur et Discipline. Pour le Roi.
Déclaration de soldat: Florence Gabrielle Michaux
Rang: Commandant
Topic: A discovered base in Tau-29
Description de la/des situation/-s
Situation un:
Although I only wanted to check the Tau's for the last time today, I stumbled upon something rather interesting. It seems that someone has managed to construct a base behind Shinkaku in Tau-29, the Samura Ice Asteroid Field, to be exact. The base seems to be equipped with a Core mark un, and scanners have shown that the hull integrity of it aren't as perfect either. It should probably be a reminder for the owners that constructing bases within the marine's territory shouldn't happen without any permission. A possible destruction of that base should not take long, in case the owner does not respond.