I have successfully contacted two senior Xenologists operating aboard the Interspace tagged vessel Research. They have agreed to come and work for the Coalition on this project on the condition of confidentiality.
They have built a formidable reputation already studying alien jump gates and artifacts, and hopefully they will unravel what, exactly, we have discovered.
The good Doctors are a little eccentric, but should be treated with due courtesy as long as they work for us and abide by our conditions.
I have informed them that, Commissar's willing, they will be given the data and allowed to commence their research. And if their discovery leads to a breakthrough that will reshape the universe, they will get due credit and earn scientific accolades in accordance with that. After the matter is declassified of course.
I request to know if, after sufficient background checks are concluded, they could be given diplomatic passes similar to the one afforded Doc. Holiday to allow their free transit.
Awaiting orders,
Lt. CDR Alvin Katz
Капитан 3-го ранга Элвин Кац
CPW-Social Credit
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Сириус Коалиции Революционера Армия
Addendum: The Doctors names are Dr. Wesely Pryce and Dr. Rene Altura.
Also our informant, acting as one of our intelligence gatherers, Seamstress, will be making regular intelligence briefings in regards to rumours and possible sightings of the two Artifacts not in our hands.
Those will be posted here for ease, and consolidation of Data for the Commissars.